Commercial Solar Financing That Makes Financial Sense

The King Energy program is designed to generate financial value for property owners and tenants. The program involves no cost and minimal effort for property owners and creates a secure, long-term source of new rental income.

How It Works

We Keep It Simple

solar installation icon


King Energy rents unused roof space and installs solar, covering all costs.

Solar energy generation icon


Tenants purchase clean energy at a reduced rate and save on energy bills; excess energy is shared with the broader community.

Increasing solar value icon


Property owners gain rental income and higher property value.

King Energy Handles All Components of Solar Installation and Long-Term Management

Turnkey Solar Program

Our goal is to be a no hassle solution for property owners and property managers. We take care of all aspects of the solar installation, including permitting, design, installation and tenant registration. We also warrant that we will not impact the roof or property and commit to creating minimal additional work for property management. Additionally, we manage the program over its lifetime, enrolling new tenants and maintaining the solar hardware to ensure optimal output.

OneBill Energy Bill
King Energy OneBill on Laptop

Simple, Consolidated Tenant Billing Software

King Energy OneBill™

King Energy makes monthly energy bills simple and easy to understand. Our OneBill™ software platform generates a single monthly energy statement that combines our solar energy bill and the utility’s energy bill. Tenants receive one bill and make one payment. We provide paper or paperless billing, manual and autopay options. All tenants have access to both their utility bill and solar bills in one easy to use interface. Hassle-free, simple savings.

Renewable Energy With Built-In Analytics


King Energy’s goal is to fit seamlessly into our customers’ sustainability programs. For all live solar programs, we provide quarterly reporting that shares program energy output, financial benefit, environmental impact and local tenant participation.

We also integrate directly to ESG reporting systems like Energy Star® Portfolio Manager®, which provides streamlined energy tracking, benchmarking against similar properties, and improved energy conservation measures.

Energy star portfolio manager
No Cost Rooftop Solar

Commercial Solar Financing That Covers All Program Costs

Financial Backing

King Energy covers all costs for installation and long-term management of our solar programs, meaning that property owners have no out–of-pocket costs. Through our network of trusted financial partners, King Energy has secured over $300 million in project funding to support program installations in 2023 and 2024, positioning us to be the largest provider of multi-tenant solar solutions in the United States.

Prioritizing Tenant Support and Satisfaction

Tenant Care

Every tenant is interested in saving money, as long as it doesn’t make their lives more difficult. King Energy puts substantial effort into ensuring that tenants have a professional, simple, and low-hassle experience when they register for and participate in our solar program. Our tenant relationship team works with tenants to explain the program and facilitate registration, and our US-based support team is available to field any questions or concerns.

Tenant Support with King Energy

Case Studies

See our existing solar programs and the impact they have made for property owners and tenants.

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