Turnkey Solar for Multi-tenant Properties, including Businesses, Apartments, and Rental Properties

King Energy is bringing solar to multi-tenant properties of all types including neighborhood shopping centers, office and medical buildings, industrial and manufacturing complexes, and more.

What Can a King Energy Solar Program Do for Your Multi-Tenant Property?

Multi-Tenant Property Solutions

Increase the value of your property with a financially strong, long-term tenant in King Energy. We rent your roof or parking lot space at no cost to you. No tenant improvements. No capital improvements. If your roof needs repair, we take care of it. We are easy to work with and no hassle.

Oak Plaza Shopping Center

Neighborhood Shopping Centers

Neighborhood Shopping Centers

Neighborhood shopping centers are ideal for a King Energy solar program. Unused rooftop or parking lot space becomes a revenue generator for you and increases your property value, all while providing savings to your tenants on their energy bill.

Shopping Malls

Shopping Malls

Shopping malls usually have unused rooftop or parking lot space suitable for a King Energy solar program. With a large number of tenants who could benefit from savings on their utility bills, introducing a program to provide lower cost energy to your tenants will result in higher tenant satisfaction while generating revenue and increasing shopping mall property value.

King Energy Shopping Mall Solar Program
King Energy Office Medical Building Solar Program

Office & Medical Buildings

Office & Medical Buildings

King Energy solar installations leave no damage on rooftops, and are modular – which is ideal for office or medical buildings that may need to install, remove, or relocate HVAC units periodically. We are your partners for the life of the solar system, ensuring that you can passively enjoy the benefits of introducing clean energy into your portfolio.

Industrial & Manufacturing Complexes

Industrial & Manufacturing Complexes

Industrial and manufacturing complexes across the country can now earn extra revenue with King Energy, and slash their utility bill costs to tenants utilizing the space. We fully handle financing, installation, and management of the solar program on your unused rooftop or parking lot space.

KE Industrial Properties
King Energy Apartment Building Solar

Apartment Buildings

Apartment Buildings

Apartment buildings can now enjoy the benefits of a King Energy solar program. We rent your unused rooftop or parking lot space as if we were another renter, bringing you more rental income and passing utility savings to your renters in the building.

Community Solar

Community Solar

Communities can enjoy a King Energy solar program to offset utility costs and increase the value of properties within the community. Community members can opt in to receive savings on their utility bills, and leverage their unused roof space.

Community Solar

Rental Income & Property Value

King Energy becomes a new tenant, paying rent for roof or parking lot space. The lease directly increases the net operating income, increasing property value.


King Energy programs provide direct sustainability benefits to the property and to the local community. Our data integration solutions allow this benefit to be seamlessly incorporated into sustainability and ESG reporting.

Nationwide Partner

We are built to support large property ownership firms, with diverse property types across many states. Our solution adapts to the location, building type and physical condition of each property.